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At BST, all students experience hands-on science and technology through a nationally-recognized Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences and district Information Technology (IT) pathway. Students explore Principles of Biomedical Science, study Human Body Systems, Biomedical Interventions, and Biomedical Innovations alongside Foundations of Information Technology, Geographic Information Systems, & AP Computer Science Principles. Students also enjoy multiple field trips, guest speakers, and collaborative partnerships with local universities and industries through experiences such as "Doctor for a Day" at UCSD, Ted Talks with USD bioethics students, hackathons, coding events, and presenting at industry conferences. Students' culminating experience includes a medical internship at Rady's Children's Hospital, which introduces the medical field in major medical disciplines such as surgery, psychiatry, dermatology and pharmacology. At BST, students are able to enroll in Advanced Placement & Mesa Community College courses through our partnership that includes dual enrollment/dual credit for both high school and college classes. For more information about our dual enrollment program, click here.
BST earned the Linked Learning Silver Certification in the Fall of 2022. This certification demonstrates that our academic pathways have in place the core components of a high quality Linked Learning program, with an established, equity-driven, solid foundation for high-quality college and career learning.
About the Kearny High Educational Complex
KHEC houses four schools on one large campus. These schools are: the School of Digital Media and Design (DMD), the School of College Connections (SCC), the School of Engineering, Innovation, and Design (EID), and the School of Biomedical Science and Tehcnnology (BST). Each school is contained in a relatively separate area of the site. Shared spaces include: the complex office, auditorium, gymnasium, library, student center, locker rooms, athletic facilities, and cafeteria. All schools operate on the 4X4 instructional format and share a common bell schedule. There is one principal who oversees all four small schools, and a vice principal assigned to assist with supervision in DMD, BST, and EID. These administrators meet weekly to discuss issues affecting the complex, such as student safety and supervision, athletic events, facilities, and shared programs.
Founded in the early 1940s, the Kearny High Educational Complex has been a landmark in the Kearny Mesa and Linda Vista communities for well over half a century. Formerly Kearny High School, which closed in June of 2004, the complex is now comprised of four autonomous, comprehensive high schools. The School of Science, Connections & Technology, SCT (now known as the School of Biomedical Science and Technology, BST), welcomed its first group of students ranging from grades nine through twelve on September 7, 2004.